It’s important to emphasize the truth, that Jesus indeed does live, today. He is literally the only God who ever came, suffered, died, was buried and rose again for all the sin and sickness of those who put their faith in Him. In that process, He bore upon His body the stripes and whipping that brings forth our healing. Yes, it’s a Miracle. No other God in history has done this. In every part of our journey, there are opportunitites to have our spiritual eyes opened wider and wider to the awesome and life-changing revelation that sets us free. Jesus is not just a prophet – He is the Truth. A person and a Miracle Worker! who loved us enough to lay His life down for us. Jesus lives, reveals Himself and His Heavenly Father to all who humble themselves and seek Him with ALL OF THEIR HEART. Troubles, problems, pain, injustice, are not God’s doing. No. He is the Answer. So, if you are in need today, you have come to the right place. Jesus lives, loves, and desires to welcome you “Home” to Father’s love, right now. I am living proof of this fact.
Believing in Him is essential to receiving what He has for us: The Bible says He answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.” John 6:29. (NKJV) More than anything we can “do” that is good, the one thing Jesus stated is the ACTUAL WORK OF GOD is for us to BELIEVE in Jesus! Think of this. It takes all the emphasis off of what WE CAN DO, and puts all the emphasis on what Jesus did for us! What a loving God!
Many believe in God, but doubt He wants to do a miracle for them in their present situation. Often times, we don’t feel worthy, or we don’t believe His power is at work on our behalf. Many don’t understand the first thing about receiving miracles from God. But God rewards every person who diligently seeks Him. He is merciful, and full of love and kindness. He never turns away people who are broken and who come to Him humbly, for His help. There are many forms of unbelief at work in the world today, that directly comes against our faith in God. Jesus actually was limited in one place while He walked the earth because of it. Let’s look at what the Bible says about it:
“Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.”. Matthew 13:58 (NKJV).
God’s goal is to grow our faith in Him. To turn our messes and brokenplaces into testimonies of His loving kindness. Our faith grows by walking with Him and getting to know Him. Spending substantial time in His Word is the best way to get to know Him. In His Word, we see and learn how He interacted with people in their every day lives. At home, in their families, in their troubles, in their sin and mistakes, and in the process of their hearts being softened to accept Him and turn away from the things that God says hinder our relationship with Him.
One of the first and most important principles of receiving miracles from the Lord began as the Holy Spirit drew my heart into greater amounts and forms of prayer. Prayer is so much more than tossing some good sounding words up to heaven. Prayer is a heart to heart exchange between us and God. It’s a place of deep honesty, humility, and transparency between us and the One who loves and created us. In the beginning we often find ourselves in a place of desperate need. A job, a relationship is breaking down, a drug or substance addiction, perhaps depression, or fits of rage or destructive habits that we can’t seem to overcome on our own. Things that are disrupting and perhaps destroying our lives, peace of mind or loved ones.
It’s ok to be in need. God welcomes us. As we spend time in prayer we realize how much we need Him. Maybe we feel far from Him at first, or as if we are talking to a brick wall or the ceiling. Maybe we don’t ever hear Him speak to our heart or talk back, so we might find ourselves wondering if prayer is even doing any good.
Everything we learn about God - starts with faith. Faith that He just might hear us if we speak to Him. Hope that He will hear us and answer. Desire to know Him more. Perhaps we are in the place of feeling desperate, broken, wounded, alone, and helpless. Here’s the Best News of all:
All of these things cause God to care and turn towards us. He is a Father. The Father that Jesus came to reveal to us. What we want to do today, is spend time talking to Him, heart to heart. Honestly, humbly, like a child. God is not expecting you to come with anything except your willingness to turn to Him and receive His love, His help, His wisdom, His peace, His goodness…

Today, as you pray, concentrate on just being honest with Him. Talk with Him. Pour out your heart to Him. Start. Even if you don’t feel like you know what to say. Start where you are at, just be honest and ask Him to help you develop a relationship with Him that helps you grow to know Him more. Tell Him that you don’t want to use Him just to get what you want, or need, but that you want to grow in a real, living, close and personal relationship with Him. There is NOTHING He wants more than that. You can be sure that this is the beginning of a new life. A better life. He is listening and though you may not feel or hear Him respond, at first….with time and your persistence to come…He will begin revealing Himself to you in greater ways. Keep coming. Keep praying. Keep learning. He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Click below and we can pray together in agreement with His Word and in faith in all Jesus did for us…
“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”. Hebrews 11:6
If you are feeling desperate. Rest assured. Miracles are His specialty – but don’t forget this most important nugget: The greatest miracle you will ever receive, is that close loving deep connection with Him. EVERY good and miraculous thing flows out of this, like a river. He knows your heart. He knows your needs. He knows how many hairs are on your head. He knows every word you will speak before they are ever formed on your tongue. Never give up on drawing near to Him for help. It will be the best thing you’ve ever done.
So, by faith, talk and listen. Spend time with Him in His Word, which is the biggest way He speaks to us. Keep coming, by faith, trusting He is there….He will respond. He will help you and draw you closer and closer with every prayer, every step, every moment. He is good. He loves you…and you are headed in the right direction, when you are taking steps to draw near to Him.
In this Miracle Series, I encourage you to sincerely pray daily for the Holy Spirit to give you revelation and understanding to know Jesus more as your Miracle Working, Provider, Shepherd, Friend and Husband. His love for you is wider and deeper than anything you can possibly imagine. Ask Him to help you grow in faith to BELIEVE HIM, and in His wisdom to begin to understand what only He can teach you. He IS FAITHFUL and wants to help you receive ALL HE HAS for you and your family! Keep coming to Him daily. As much as humanly possible. Let Him guide you as you read His Word and talk with Him about what you are learning and wanting help with. Write down what stands out to you, and what lifts off the page, and what words come to your heart and mind. See if they line up with what His Word says. If you have a dream? Write it down. Ask Him to give you HIS understanding and interpretation. The Holy Spirit is right there to help you, every step of the way.
Stay tuned, and make sure you are Subscribed to my Email List to receive my next Newsletter. I’ll be posting new articles regularly. In the next Newsletter, In this Miracle Series, I am going to cover the 4 basic things God taught me which are absolutely necessary to get your miracle from Him. I will include the key elements the Lord taught me as I desperately sought Him to learn about how we could receive His Healing and His miraculous power.
Today I focused on prayer. The video included in this message today was created simply to help you pray and talk with Him. It’s not intended as a method of prayer, but it definitely includes important key elements to help our hearts tune in to His heart. So often, we hear Him speak to our heart more easily after we have surrendered all to Him. After we have forgiven ourselves and others of anything we need to forgive. Acknowledging that we need Him is a simple act of humility and expresses our sincere desire to grow closer to Him, and not just come for a miracle, but to also grow in a loving relationship with Him.
I encourage you to Share it and play it again and again. My prayer today is that this message and video will be a great blessing to your life and heart. And that God would use it to draw you and reveal His Spirit, Truth and love in a beautiful and lifechanging way.
If any of this touched your heart today, I would Love to hear from you. Please contact me at:
Hold on, there’s more to come in this series: including serveral more Crucial things God taught us on our journey of healing, freedom and restoration. The Best News Ever for you, for us and for today! I’m working diligently to get them published and distributed to the world, as quickly as possible. There’s more to come.
We are praying for you…
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